Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni Relations
We are very proud of our long legacy with Choate. High concept and high production value were their top priority, each time they put their star-studded alumni mailing list in our trusted hands. Why else would they come to Ink&Pixel? Academic alumni relations is the perfect playground for us strategically, and the generosity of spirit that our Choate colleagues brought forth to the collaborative process was the perfect match to ours. This mutual trust (along with us simply geeking out on witty private school stuff) paved the way to a relationship that yielded tremendous campaign success.
Our concepts thrive in the private school alumni demographic; but you’ll quickly see in the sampling of work here that often we played with traditional vernacular in some unexpected ways — so that what is quite familiar becomes fresh, and exciting for repeat recipients. Many of these special one-of-a-kind pieces are rich with detail and contain extra layers of meaning meant to reward those who are looking.